Create a script to count how many ways there are to eat a dish of french fries 🍟 , if you can alternate between eating one or two french fries at a time.

french fry

For example if the plate has 4 french fries, then you can either:

  1. eat one french fry, eat one french fry, eat one french fry, eat one french fry
  2. eat two french fries, eat one french fry, eat one french fry
  3. eat one french fry, eat two french fries, eat one french fry
  4. eat one french fry, eat one french fry, eat two french fries
  5. eat two french fries, eat two french fries

That’s 5 different ways of eating these 4 french fries!

How many ways are there to eat a dish of 99999 french fries?